
What's new in the world of green roof and landscaping industries?

10 Superior Green Roof Storm Water Control Designs Soon to be Tested

The Purple-Roof® “enhanced by Urbanscape®” concept, a joint effort between sedum grower Sempergreen from Virginia, in the USA, and binder-free mineral wool growing media supplier Knauf Insulation from Slovenia, EU (part of the German Knauf Group) is taking on a whole new ...

How to set up a lush green garden / landscape design that uses a minimum of water

Everyone wants to have the greenest garden possible, all the time, especially in the summer, when the sun pulls us outside. As the terrace is an extension of the dining room, the garden opens up as extension of the living room and offers us some green shadow and shelter, as well ...

URBAN GARDENING – How it’s done

Are you living in a condo/flat and don’t have any space to grow any herbs or veggies? Don’t worry, we have many ideas on how to help. Here we provide a handful of design solutions that can be easily implemented in your kitchen or living room, on the stairs or window sill, and ...

Green roofs: Making life more comfortable for residents of houseboats in Amsterdam

To provide more comfort to houseboats in Amsterdam Sedumworld applied Urbanscape Green Roof System featuring Urbanscape Green Roll and Sempergreen Sedum-mix blanket.

Harvest and Reuse of Rainwater from Green Roofs

Rainwater harvesting represents an alternative water supply that captures and stores rainwater for later use. The harvesting of rainwater is as simple as collecting water from surfaces on which rain falls, and subsequently storing this water for later use. Normally, water is ...

CAD Designs for Urbanscape Landscaping system available now!

CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a combination of hardware and software computer technology that enables designers (architects, engineers, etc.) to replace manual drafting with the precision of a digital process capable of creating 2D and 3D models, drawings and plans.

Different Green Roofs for different local needs and environments

We have been talking on many of our blogs about the real performance of green roofs, in terms of improved energy efficiency, better storm-water management, lower heat-island effects and more – because it’s all about achieving good environment performance. However, this time we ...

Indoor / Vertical farming: More yield in small spaces and much more…

The beginning… The first known sketch of vertical farms, from Rem Koolhaas in 1909 was presented in his book Delirious New York. In it he talked about the skyscraper “as Utopian device for the production of unlimited numbers of virgin sites on a metropolitan location.” Shortly ...

Vertical farming – A solution to the growing demand for food?

But first a few words on the history of vertical farming... Before Gilbert Ellis Bailey, PhD invented the phrase “vertical farming” people lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years. Actually, it all started with hanging gardens of Babylon. In ancient Rome in the year ...

4 measures to consider when designing fire-safe Green Roofs

Some 40 years ago the first truly extensive green roofs were built in Germany. Since then, green roofs have become a common addition to buildings. At the same time, this development has led to a more critical approach to fire safety. Related requirements are becoming ...