Just few weeks ago, we published a blog about unbearable heat wave and its consequences - which can be mitigated with the vegetated rooftops and other types of green urban infrastructure. And now, holding cup of tea in hand and looking through the window at morning freeze, we shall think about winter ahead of us. Seasons change quickly and so does the nature, including precious habitats in urban areas - the green roofs.
Winter with lowered energy bills for heating
Vegetated roofs are helping us to get through the winter season with lower energy bills for heating. Green roofs with their insulation effect provide better living conditions in summer while decreasing the ambient temperature and in winter, preventing the heat losses and lowering the energy loss.
Green roofs offer many benefits that conventional roofs do not: increase of buinding value, longevity of roofing membranes due to UV radiation protection. Noise reduction, stormwater management, water runoff reduction, urban heat islad effect reduction, improved air quality, LEED or other incentives credit points. If we want to keep these benefits of our green roofs for decades to come, we must not forget to maintain the green roof.
How much maintenance work does a green roof need?
What is the most common mistake of green roof maintenance? That the owners:
Either way, green roof will likely lose its performance and the owner will not profit from its wide benefits. How much is enough maintenance? It depends on several factors, with outmost important one – whether it is intensive or extensive green roof. If you have a lightweight extensive green roof, the maintenance is less demanding and time consuming compared to intensive green roof system. For sedum based extensive green roofs, two maintenance sessions will do in average, whilst for intensive green roofs, depending on the plant selection, it will take lot more effort to take proper care of the vegetation on regular basis - soil testing for nutrients composition, planting, re-planting, pruning, cutting, trimming… (Mihalchick, 2023).
With extensive green roofs, sedums are popular choices for green roofs due to their low maintenance requirements and ability to withstand harsh conditions. Few (likely two) maintenance sessions a year, mostly in spring and early autumn, will enable you to undergo all necessary activities for long-term thriving green roof. During this process, you will notice the colour changes of sedum roofs which occur throughout the year. This is a natural seasonal and eye-pleasing cycle of plants’ life, as seen in case of Urbanscape green roof seasonal looks:
White winter on a green roof
During the winter, the plants go to dormancy phase – means they are resting. With regular service on a green roof, they will thrive every spring and bring all expected long-term benefits.
Remember what is on to-do list for health and longevity of the green roof and read ten practical tips for regular maintenance checks:
Michalcik, 2023. The Importance of Proactive Green Roof Maintenance. Living Architecture Monitor, 2023.