Urbanscape Green Roofs

URBAN GARDENING – How it’s done

Written by Maja Tomazin | Apr 11, 2017 12:09:43 PM

Are you living in a condo/flat and don’t have any space to grow any herbs or veggies? Don’t worry, we have many ideas on how to help. Here we provide a handful of design solutions that can be easily implemented in your kitchen or living room, on the stairs or window sill, and more.

Unconventional growing media offer new ways of growing

1. A great example of growing without soil is to grow microgreens in nature friendly and binder-free Urbanscape® rock mineral wool. Practically anyone can do it, because it’s very simple. Microgreens are actually young, baby plants that have two or three baby leaves. What to do? Put some binder-free rock mineral wool on the pad, add some water and spread the seeds. In very dry environments you should sprinkle them with some water, and after just 7–10 days you can already harvest some young plants. You can use them in smoothies, or as a side dish, in salads, or as edible decoration for your favorite dishes.

2. The other way to practice some urban gardening is by growing plants vertically (green walls). There are many such products on the market that can be hung on the wall, and green plants can be grown either to clean the air or for to be eaten. For example, a green wall can be a great decoration instead of the standard hanging of a picture, and it brings some life and fresh greenery to your apartment. But the best thing of all is that you can harvest some fresh herbs or veggies for your own cooking pleasure.

3. Out on the terrace you can arrange a small raised garden, where you can grow an array of different leafy vegetables and herbs in cycles for a family of four. Using innovative materials like binder-free rock mineral wool, perlite or clay pebbles will make your raised garden lighter and make it airy, too. The nature friendly binder-free Urbanscape® rock mineral wool will provide enough water and help plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

4. And if you’d like to give a little something back to nature, you can recycle and give a new, second life to those glass jars, tins, pvc bottles and more around the house by using them instead of buying new pots. Some of them can look quite nice and are nature-friendly solutions.


Why would anyone use Urbanscape® products for urban gardening?

Urbanscape® products ensure the soil is optimally moist and aerated, to provide:

(1) Better growth (stronger, better developed root systems, more blooms, higher green mass yields, and a higher number of inflorescences)

(2) Less watering (up to 50% longer intervals between waterings, excess water is stored and released gradually, while the soil stays light and airy)

(3) Easy to use (simply mix Urbanscape® products and introduce them into the soil; this will create the perfect conditions for good soil aeration and the right amount of moisture necessary for better, healthier plant growth)

(4) Environmentally friendly solution; with Urbanscape® products we help both reduce water consumption and save our planet.

Interested in our products and solutions for urban gardening? Check our Urbanscape® Website or download our Landscaping Brochure below.