
What's new in the world of green roof and landscaping industries?

Sloped Green Roof Challenges

Green roofs are a perfect solution to create green spaces on any type of surface. They offer many benefits to the public, private, economic and social sectors. One of the benefits is also the aesthetic aspects of greening, which is much more delicate when we talk about sloped ...

FIGHTING DROUGHT – Responsible water management in arid places

There is no unique definition of drought, as we can distinguish between meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economic droughts, depending on its effects. We will mainly be focusing on meteorological drought, which is caused by weather events and can be defined ...

TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE: How green roofs can prevent flooding in urban areas

Water damage caused by flooding is becoming a serious threat in the developed world. Caused both by extreme weather phenomena due to climate change, and by expanding cities, it is crucial to invest in prevention methods.

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: Green roofs as an investment

WHY BUSINESSES SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN GETTING THEM? Green infrastructure is far from being just a trendy addition to business facilities. The rational advantages of this technology represent an investment to the future of your company and the environment you and your employees ...