
What's new in the world of green roof and landscaping industries?

Stormwater management - Short and Long Term Effects

The combined effect of urban growth and climate change is altering the hydrological balance in developed urban areas. Public awareness of the impact of stormwater on flash flood occurrence and water quality is, however, on the rise (1). The surface of roofs in urban areas ...

Energy efficiency in private homes and businesses

Our contemporary lifestyle dictates that we spend most of our time indoors. Buildings need to be kept at a constant temperature to accommodate our expectations and standards of comfort. Today, experts estimate the building sector’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas ...

Caring for your Urbanscape® Green Roof during really hot and dry weather is essential – do not forget to irrigate it

How do we take care of a green roof during such a hot summer, when the temperatures hardly drop even during the night? What do we need to pay attention to? Just like other planting in the garden, green roofs also need care and additional watering. Nevertheless, when is the right ...

Green roofs & walls – more than just a contemporary architecture

The design of buildings has evolved over the years, but the function of buildings has remained remarkably constant: protection, comfort, warmth in winter and coolness in summer. In recent years, however, the environmental impact of buildings and green solutions are becoming ...

What is happening with biodiversity and nature?

Increasing development of urban environments and infrastructure put pressure on green spaces with potential negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Natural spaces and habitats are disappearing, partly as a result of climate change and human behaviour, which ...


How do we take care of a green roof in the spring? What do we need to pay attention to? Just like other planting in the garden, green roofs also need care; this should be done at least once a year, but twice is recommended—in spring and autumn.

Instant Green Roofs and their Benefits

Green roofs can be installed by method of planting it with sedum cuttings and/or plugs, or by using a vegetation blankets, mats or rolls, that have been pre-prepared to be installed. There are, of course, factors that influence the use of ether one or the other – project size, ...

Green Tech and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

Apart from their main purpose, all public buildings have a representative function in our built environment. They reflect the main values and aspirations of their builders - even more so, when the public buildings represent municipal or state functions. In this day and age, when ...

Water Conservation - Landscaping for the Middle East

The Middle East region qualifies as one of the driest and most water-scarce parts of the planet. It also has low internal resources and an increasing demand for water as its population grows. The internal renewable water resources of the area are estimated at 609 m3 per year per ...

Green Roofs and Facades – On why they need to become a staple part of our cityscapes.

Reducing energy use and air pollution are two major challenges we face in the developed world. Buildings account for 39% of the total US and 40% of the European Union’s energy consumption. Additionally, air pollution negatively affects our quality of life and health conditions. ...