
What's new in the world of green roof and landscaping industries?

What Business is it of Yours? Green Roofs on Industrial and Commercial Facilities

More and more businesses are becoming aware of the fact that climate change is a significant threat and are acting to do their part in crisis prevention efforts. Many are producing sustainability strategies and action plans as a part of their identity and goals.

The solution spells DETENTION.

Green roofs are generally an excellent stormwater run-off volume reduction tool. Reducing the volume of stormwater run-off has huge benefits on a city scale as less water must be processed by sewage or stormwater treatment plants. This results in substantial savings for the ...

Mental well-being and the power of green spaces

What makes you feel better, looking out of your window to see a vivid landscape of greenery? Or staring out your window and being confronted by endless concrete?

A green roof in the Trajnice Strgar Garden Centre

The current climate change brings with it more frequent and greater fluctuations in temperature and precipitation. Therefore, taking into account sustainable development, climate change and biodiversity, together with Bernarda Strgar Schulz from the Trajnice Strgar Garden ...

Why bees love our green roofs

Research by the National Institute of Biology in Slovenia has revealed how green roofs can help bees and other pollinators to flourish while boosting biodiversity. From June to September 2019, two Urbanscape Green Roofs were monitored by institute experts who measured roofs' ...

Towards a greener future: Why city planners need to implement green roof policies

Cities have been expanding at an ever faster rate and more than half of the world's population now lives in urban environments. The percentage is predicted to rise up to 70% by the year 2050. This calls for a massive redevelopment of the world's urban areas to accommodate the ...

Sloped Green Roof Challenges

Green roofs are a perfect solution to create green spaces on any type of surface. They offer many benefits to the public, private, economic and social sectors. One of the benefits is also the aesthetic aspects of greening, which is much more delicate when we talk about sloped ...

Perception of green roofs in the media

The visibility of green roofs in media has a great impact on how the public views them and how appealing and realistic they appear to them as an everyday part of life. The more they appear, the more we as regular people feel comfortable with them. It is often hard to grow past ...

FIGHTING DROUGHT – Responsible water management in arid places

There is no unique definition of drought, as we can distinguish between meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economic droughts, depending on its effects. We will mainly be focusing on meteorological drought, which is caused by weather events and can be defined ...

URBAN AGRICULTURE - A path to sustainable and self-sufficient cities

The developed world is facing a potential food production crisis as the urban population has already exceeded the rural population. According to estimations, by 2050 only one third of the global population (34%) will be rural, and the remaining two thirds will be urban. This is ...